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Call for Chapters: Breaking the Media Value Chain

En la Facultad de Comunicación Blanquerna de la Universidad Ramon Llull (Barcelona, España) tienen previsto publicar próximamente el libro Breaking the Media Value Chain de capítulos, en inglés, con la Cambridge Scholars Publishers.

[Más abajo, el Call for Contributions, por si resulta de su interés. En caso afirmativo, por favor, contacte directamente con el editor, Dr. Klaus Zilles, antes del 15 Febrero 2014, para comunicarle su deseo de participar. Fecha límite envío texto completo: 30 Mayo 2014]

Call for Chapters: Breaking the Media Value Chain

Following our 2013 conference, Breaking the Media Value Chain at the Blanquerna School of Communication in Barcelona (, we are requesting chapters (6000-8000 words) in English for a peer-reviewed Themed Volume to be published by a prestigious English-language publishing house.

The book aims to explore the increasing breakdown of the value chain paradigm. This paradigm is based on the numbers of readers, viewers, and users which the mass media can «sell» in exchange for advertising revenue. The Media Value Chain has now entered a critical phase owing to the proliferation of phenomena such as the social media, digitization, and horizontal mass communication.

Media outlets must learn unprecedented, ground-breaking methods of distributing, delivering, and monetizing their contents. Media creation and media consumption habits and models have been revolutionized, and users expect access to their preferred content whenever and wherever they are, on a wide range of media devices that are incessantly being modernized, innovated, expanded, and made more affordable. Formerly stable models of the media value chain are now in perpetual flux, requiring adaptation to the rapid progress of technology and the volatility of user preferences. How can media companies cope with these new circumstances and at the same time fulfill their traditional roles?

Please write to Klaus Zilles at  by 15 February, 2014, for a more detailed description of the project and to express your interest in submitting a contribution. The deadline for contributions to the book project is 30 May, 2014.

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